Lavie, India’s leading fashion accessory brand, is thrilled to announce its collaboration with renowned designer Payal Singhal, bringing her iconic prints and artistic flair to a limited-edition collection of handbags. Set to hit the market on 15th January, this collaboration brings Payal Singhal’s signature prints to life on Lavie’s timeless silhouettes, offering a unique fusion of contemporary fashion and Indian cultural motifs.

The collaboration was born from a shared vision to make designer fashion more widely available. Payal Singhal’s iconic designs, known for their intricate detailing and bold, artistic prints, merge seamlessly with Lavie’s modern approach to handbag design. Together, the duo has created a collection that allows women to carry a piece of art while enjoying the trendy styles crafted with precision. The collaboration is co-inspired by Payal Singhal’s desire to expand her signature prints into the accessories space and Lavie’s vision of entering into the designer space, targeting women aged 25-40 who seek luxurious accessories.

“Our collaboration with Payal Singhal is a celebration of art and versatility coming together. Lavie has always strived to offer products that resonate with modern women, and with Payal's prints, we’ve elevated that experience. This collection is not just about handbags—it’s about offering our customers a piece of art they can carry daily, embodying both, style and cultural richness.”

“This collaboration with Payal Singhal marks a strategic move for Lavie as we expand into the designer segment. By combining our expertise in crafting high-quality handbags with Payal Singhal’s iconic prints, we’re offering a unique product that caters to the growing demand for luxury. This partnership aligns perfectly with our goal to continuously innovate and meet the evolving preferences of our customers while strengthening Lavie’s presence in the premium accessories market”, said Ayush Tainwala, CEO at Lavie.

This exclusive collection will feature Payal Singhal’s most iconic prints, each telling its own unique story. The Safari print, inspired by African jungle safaris, captures the adventurous spirit of the wild with bold motifs of flora and fauna, while the Anar Mor print is a tribute to the regal palaces of Jaipur, blending old-world nostalgia with intricate, hand-painted motifs. The Abutilon print draws from the serenity of an English summer garden, showcasing exotic flowers in full bloom with soft pastels and bright hues. Lastly, the Saras print, inspired by the grandeur of Mughal gardens, integrates lush plants and delicate detailing, bringing to life the opulence of Indian heritage. Each of these prints, seamlessly integrated into Lavie’s modern designs, offers women the opportunity to carry a piece of wearable art that merges cultural sophistication with contemporary style.

“Our aim from this collection was to reflect the essence of individuality and creativity while still being suitable for the modern woman”, said Payal Singhal. “Lavie was the perfect partner for this collaboration because they share my passion for blending artistry with beautiful designs. Together, we’ve created something that allows women to express themselves through design while carrying pieces that are both stylish and purposeful.”

Sustainability played a key role in the collaboration, with all bags crafted from premium vegan leather, showcasing both, Lavie and Payal Singhal’s commitment to eco-friendly practices. The collection not only emphasizes luxury and elegance but also reflects a conscious effort to create products that align with the values of today’s environmentally aware consumers.

This capsule collection is designed for bold, confident women who appreciate the fusion of modern style with traditional elegance. “This is about empowering women, giving them pieces that make them feel strong, stylish, and ready to take on the world,” Singhal added.

The Lavie x Payal Singhal limited-edition collection will be available on the official website of Lavie  ( & Payal Singhal (  and select retail stores of Lavie and Payal Singhal. The collaboration is not only a celebration of Indian craftsmanship but also a statement that luxury fashion can be for everyone.